Showing posts with label bisexual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bisexual. Show all posts


Hedwig and the Angry Inch and Plato's Theory of Bisexuality

Read about how the song "Origin of Love" from the musical movie Hedwig and the Angry Inch is a primer on Plato's theory of bisexuality.
image credit: Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Freud uses the myth of the three human figures (taken from Plato’s Symposium) to illustrate the human instinct to return to a former state, which he calls the death drive, which, as seen by the myth, is fueled by the libido of desire.
“‘The original human nature was not like the present, but different. In the first place, the sexes were originally three in number, not two as they are now; there was man, woman, and the union of the two.’ Everything about these primaeval men was double: they had four hands and four feet, two faces, two privy parts, and so on. Eventually Zeus decided to cut these men in two .... After the division had been made, ‘the two parts of man, each desiring his other half, came together, and threw their arms about one another eager to grow into one.’” (Freud Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 69-70).
In the film Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Hedwig uses the same myth to inspire a song she calls “The Origin of Love.” 
Feel inspired? Use the lesson plan I added to the TpT catalog. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Higher Education, Adult Education, Homeschooler, Staff, Not Grade Specific -

Lyrics from “Origins of Love”


List: 31 signs your significant other don't love you no mo'

Unrequited love sucks.
  1. Jacking off in the study is his only crime of passion.
  1. You cheat on him and when he finds out he says, "I am so glad you've found someone special!"
  1. You begin to realize why your relationship began with an NSA agreement.
  1. The part of his body you know most intimately is the back of his head.
  1. "I'm hungry" is the extent of his emotional vocabulary.
  1. When you explain to the kids you're getting a divorce they ask with a straight face, "Wait, aren't you divorced already?"
  1. What you thought were text messages to you from him are actually ads from a 1-900 number.
  1. You realize one day you forgot what he looks like because he seldom looks at you.
  1. The only time he uses the word "moist" is during dessert.
  1. The only time you can cop a feel is when he's sleeping.
  1. The last time you slept together was during an emergency evacuation.
  1. The couple next door tends to wake you up on a Friday night.
  1. The emotional energy you share together is as dead as two corpses in a nursing home.
  1. It is one thing to forget your birthday or even an anniversary but last night he even forgot your name!
  1. Discovering his pornography stash, you realize none of the models even remotely look like you.
  1. The only way you can get him to relieve sexual tension is to say,"But, it's for health reasons!"
  1. Every time you want to have sex, he thinks you want a baby.
  1. Or: he thinks you are checking his prostate.
  1. The last time he said "fine," he was angry.
  1. He talks about you in the past tense.
  1. And he refers to you in the third person.
  1. You get more attention from the dog than him.
  1. When you go to grab his pole he reacts like you are his physician: "Is it that bad, doctor?"
  1. When you plan a romantic vacation he says, "Have fun with your friends!"
  1. He seldom gets your jokes.
  1. The last time you played around was on the first date.
  1. The only text message you've gotten recently did say, "I Love You" But it was quickly followed by, "Sorry, I meant to send this to my sister."!
  1. You desperately find ways to say goodbye so you can at least get a kiss.
  1. You come home with a hatchet in your head and he wonders if you got a haircut.
  1. The love letter you wrote to him is still unopened in the mailbox.