
Repost from Kurt Vonnegut: Liberal Crap I Don't Want to Hear Anymore

To commemorate Easter Sunday, I am posting a Vonnegut interview. On September 13, 2005, Jon Stewart interviewed Kurt Vonnegut on The Daily Show. I still laugh at the interview and think it is brilliant. I think they should have let Vonnegut read out his, "liberal crap I don't want to hear anymore," so I will republish it here along with the clip from the Daily Show interview.*
     It's too bad Vonnegut is dead; I saw him as a contemporary Mark Twain. If someone were to ask me who was the funniest and most insouciant writer in America, I would have to say, Vonnegut. Lewis Nordan is pretty goddamn funny too, as well as David Sedaris. But, I think Vonnegut tops them all.
Give us this day our daily bread. Oh sure.
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Nobody better trespass against me. I'll tell you that. I'll cut you a new you-know-what. 
Blessed are the meek.
Blessed are the merciful. You mean we can't use torture?
Blessed are the peacemakers. Jane Fonda?
Love your enemies - Arabs? 
Ye cannot serve God and Mammon. The hell I can't! Look at the Reverand Pat Robertson. And He is as happy as a pig in s**t. 

*Comedy Central scrubbed the video. If you want to watch the clip, you'll have to pony up some cash to watch it.

Dot's Diner

I'm not you're momma!


Reading is Smexy

It's a commonly underrepresented fact that reading is smexy.

Boy sits in between the stacks at a library to read a book.

YAY! Reading!

Yes, reading is smexy. It's that cross between smart and sexy — that makes any reader a sight for sore eyes. So pick up a book. And read. It'll make you look better than even a freshly cut do.


Compare and Contrast: Old and New Telephonic Device

Holler once if you used a rotary phone. Holler twice if you've only used a cellular device. Holler three times if you had a party line. Holler four times if you talked to a friend with a tin can and strip of string. 


Video Games Live: PBS Station in Louisiana Films a Live Symphonic Orchestra Feature Music from Popular Video Games

At the Pontchartrain Center in Metairie, Louisiana PBS is filming a live symphonic overture of famous video games, like Super Mario and Legend of Zelda by the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. I attended the event with friends and was greeted by a student. Wow.

Location:Horseshoe Rd,Kenner,United States

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Bathroom Graffiti

Graffiti from a desk in a church school in Bordelonville, Louisiana
Some of the Graffiti dates back to the 1950s. Some of it was more recent, like the one above.

Shawn B.






Infographic: How to Write a Research Paper

You'd think that a mural by Dom Gregory DeWitt of Christ (painted in the Abbey Church in Saint Benedict, Louisiana) would be a strange visual to teach students how to write a research paper — but sometimes the weirdest ideas are best!

Use this simple hand out to teach students how to form an argument for a research paper.